On 11/21/2013 we met as a group in lab. Today we further researched the issue of an h bridge, and detrermined that we would order the one from the sparkfun website shown here. We tested the new motors and the various speeds using the serial monitor. We shortened and organized the wires on the existing circuit that contains the push botton and the servo that will be used as an arm to release the ping pong balls. We are working on creating a program that will allow one ball to be released when the button is pushed, and all of the balls to be released at once when the button is held down. Shown below is a picutre of the motor test circuit, and the circuit that will be used to control the servo.
Also today, all of the parts that are supposed to be 3d printed are created on solid works. Today, measurements were taken in order to make the design more precise. A new idea today was to have the motors below the bottom of the base of the assembly and then build legs that the assembly will sit on when it is placed on a table to run. The parts built used .02 inches of tolerance between the plastic pieces that will be moving. A final assembly of these parts will be shown above.
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